Towns and development agreements in washington state

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Development Regulations

Development regulations include a variety of land use regulations, such as those pertaining to zoning, subdivisions, critical areas, landscaping, planned unit development, signs, and State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) procedures. Some jurisdictions have prepared "unified development codes" (or land use codes) that contain a range of development regulations focused on how land is subdivided, used, and developed. Other jurisdictions have separate titles of their codes for zoning, subdivision, and environmental regulations.

In communities that are planning under the Growth Management Act (GMA), development regulations are required to be consistent with adopted comprehensive plans (see our page on Growth Management Act). However, if the local jurisdiction has not yet adopted regulations to implement the plan, the existing zoning apparently will control over the new comprehensive plan if there is a conflict (Citizens of Mount Vernon v. City of Mount Vernon (1997)).

Zoning Codes

Zoning is a planning practice of dividing land within a jurisdiction into regulated zones. This designates land into various types of residential, business, transportation purposes and uses. Zoning also allows local governments to enforce protections for Critical Areas and other sensitive areas within their jurisdictions, such as protected or hazardous areas.

A zoning map provides a visualization of various zones throughout a jurisdiction. It is the officially adopted zoning map, and not a comprehensive plan’s "future land use map," that will identify how a specific parcel can and cannot be used or developed within a jurisdiction. The zoning map, however, must be consistent with the comprehensive plan.

Examples of City Zoning Codes

Examples of County Zoning Codes

See MRSC's list of Washington City Codes and County Codes to search for other zoning and land use titles.

Examples of Zoning Maps

Unified Development Codes integrate multiple types of land use and development regulations into one location of a municipal or county code. This often includes combining and locating a zoning code, subdivision regulations, critical areas ordinance, and development review procedures into a single title of a local government's code document.

Examples of City Land Use Codes

Examples of County Unified Development Codes

Development Review Procedures Codes

Some municipal and county codes have separate "development review procedures" chapters that specifically detail the processes, procedures, and timelines to be used for the review and approval/denial of new development proposals and any other type of applicable permits. These codes establish staff roles in the review process, requirements for approval by permit type (including any specific to a single permit type), and noticing procedures. For more information, see our page on Streamlining Local Permit Review Procedures.

Examples of Codes

Moratoria and Interim Zoning Ordinances

State law authorizes local governments to adopt moratoria or interim zoning ordinances. Legislative bodies that adopt moratoria or interim zoning ordinances without holding public hearings need to hold meetings within sixty days of adoption, regardless of if recommendations were given by the Planning Commission or planning agency. A moratorium/interim zoning regulation may be effective for no longer than six months or up to a year if work plans are developed for related studies. It can also be renewed for additional six-month periods as long as subsequent public hearings are held prior to each renewal (RCW 36.70A.390).

While the statutory language is confusing, a moratorium or adoption of interim zoning regulations cannot be used for the designation or conservation of critical areas, agricultural lands, forestlands, or mineral resource lands. Additionally, a moratorium or adoption of interim zoning cannot be applied to ordinances or development regulations that prohibit building permit applications pertaining to transitional housing or permanent supportive housing in any zones in which residential dwelling units or hotels are allowed as well as indoor emergency shelters and indoor emergency housing in any zones in which hotels are allowed.

Examples of Moratoria

Interim Zoning Regulations

An interim zoning regulation is meant to establish emergency or temporary zoning while an agency allows applications or is developing changes to its zoning code.

Below are some examples of interim zoning ordinances.

Related MRSC Resources

The following MRSC pages relate to development regulations and zoning. In some cases, they address more specific topics within the general area of development regulations and zoning.

Focused Types of Regulations


Comprehensive Planning / Growth Management

Other Topics

Recommended Resources