
By accessing or using the Delta Professional service ("Delta Professional"), you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set forth below as well as any terms and conditions pertaining to specific applications within this platform (the "Terms"). Before you continue, you should read these Terms, as they form a binding agreement between you and Delta Air Lines, Inc. ("Delta") regarding your use of Delta Professional. These Terms may be modified at any time in Delta’s sole discretion without prior notice. You are responsible for ensuring that you understand any changes to these Terms. These Terms were last modified on July 28, 2016.

A. General Terms.

1. Use of Delta Professional. Delta grants to you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable right to access and use Delta Professional in strict accordance with these Terms. Delta Professional is being provided to you solely for the benefit of Delta. Delta may revoke the rights granted to you under these Terms at any time, without notice and in Delta's sole discretion. Your use of Delta Professional is subject to Delta's website Terms of Use and Delta's Privacy Policy, both of which are available at and are incorporated by reference.

2. Restrictions on Use. You may not, for any reason and at any time: (a) translate, modify, or make derivative works of Delta Professional or any part thereof; (b) redistribute (except to other employees within your legal entity only for the purposes set forth in these Terms), copy, sublicense, rent, publish, sell, assign, lease, market, transfer, or otherwise make Delta Professional available to third parties; (c) reverse engineer, decompile or otherwise attempt to extract the source code of Delta Professional or any part thereof; or (d) use Delta Professional for your or any third party's business or other commercial purpose.

3. Third Party Content. Parts of Delta Professional are provided under license from third parties, and are subject to intellectual property rights owned by or licensed to such third parties. You may be held liable by such third parties for any unauthorized copying or disclosure of these parts of Delta Professional. This site may provide links or reference to other sites, but Delta has no responsibility for the content of such other sites and shall not be liable for any damages or injury arising from that content. Any links to other sites are provided merely as a convenience to the users of this Delta Professional.

4. Disclaimer of warranties and limitations on liability. Delta professional is provided by delta “as is” without warranties of any kind , either express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. Delta and its licensors: (a) make no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy or completeness of delta professional or any part thereof; (b) disclaim all warranties in connection with delta professional; and (c) will not be liable for any damage or loss resulting from your use of delta professional.

5. Indemnification. You shall indemnify Delta from, and defend and hold Delta and its shareholders, officers, directors and employees harmless from and against, all losses suffered, incurred or sustained arising out of or relating to your breach of these Terms.

6. Miscellaneous. These Terms shall be governed by the laws of the State of Georgia, USA, without giving effect to its conflicts of law rules. In the event that any one or more of the provisions of these Terms shall be determined to be invalid, unenforceable or illegal, such invalidity, unenforceability or illegality shall not affect any other provisions of these Terms, and these Terms shall be construed as if such invalid, unenforceable or illegal provision had never been contained in these Terms. Delta may choose to translate these Terms and content on this site into other languages for the convenience of the user. In some instances, there may be a delay in the translation of content. Content may not be available in particular languages or geographic locations, in which case, you may be redirected to an English-language version or another relevant version of such content. The English language version of these Terms and all content shall be the legally binding and controlling version.

B. Cookies, Privacy & Security.

Delta’s Privacy and Security Policy describes our practices related to the use, storage and disclosure of information we collect from or about Users. In addition, Delta uses cookies, tags, and other similar technologies to recognize various User information. For complete information regarding Delta’s polices regarding privacy, security and cookies, please select the link below.

C. Terms of Use and Notices.

Delta Professional is offered to the user conditioned on acceptance by the user ("User") without modification of the terms, conditions, and notices contained herein. By accessing and using Delta Professional, the User is deemed to have agreed to all such terms, conditions, and notices.

D. Agency Terms & Conditions

The following terms and conditions are applicable to all external administrators for designated travel agency accounts (“Administrators”). If you are an Administrator, by using administrator functionalities of this website, you accept the following responsibilities on behalf of your travel agency:

E. General Notes Regarding Delta’s Contracts of Carriage

When a travel agency issues a ticket for travel on Delta, it creates a contract of carriage between the ticketed passenger and Delta. The terms of the contract are set forth in:

Delta Air Lines Conditions of Carriage: Domestic General Rules Tariff

Delta Air Lines Conditions of Carriage: Canadian General Rules Tariff

Delta Air Lines Conditions of Carriage: International Conditions of Carriage

For past date conditions of carriage, please email us specifying which tariff you are requesting and the date of the applicable ticket.

*A Note for tickets issued to Delta Customers Residing in Canada: The plain language versions of Delta’s Canadian General Rules Tariff and International Conditions of Carriage are posted to assist passengers in interpreting the tariffs filed with the Canadian Transportation Agency (“CTA”). To the extent there are discrepancies between the plain language versions and the tariffs filed with the CTA, the tariffs filed with the CTA shall prevail.

F. Intellectual Property.

The trademarks, service marks and trade names shown in this site are protected in the United States and internationally. No use of these may be made without the prior, written authorization of Delta or the marketing partner concerned, except to identify the products or services of the company. Any communications you send to this Internet site or otherwise to Delta by electronic mail, with the exception of personally identifiable information, are on a non-confidential basis, and Delta is under no obligation to refrain from reproducing, publishing or otherwise using them in any way for any purpose. Delta shall be free to use the content of any such communications, including any ideas, inventions, concepts, techniques or know-how disclosed therein, for any purpose, including the developing, manufacturing and/or marketing of goods or services. Use of any personally identifiable information will be governed by Delta’s Privacy Policy .

G. Data Transfers

Delta is based in Atlanta, Georgia, USA and we may transfer personal information in compliance with applicable law to the US and other jurisdictions where Delta provides services.

For EU Residents: Some of the countries where Delta provides services may not have the equivalent level of data protection laws as those in your location. If we need to transfer personal data outside the EEA, we will take steps to make sure your personal data is protected and safeguarded once it leaves the EEA. In particular, we require third parties to whom we transfer your data to agree to abide by the Model Clauses approved by the European Commission and permitted under Article 46 of the European Union General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR"). If you would like to obtain the details of such safeguards, you can request them from the Data Protection Officer at In some limited circumstances, we may also transfer your information outside the EEA if the GDPR (under Article 49) allows this. This includes where it is necessary for the performance of a contract between us and you and where the transfer is necessary in connection with legal proceedings.