The Department of Children and Families Public Benefits and Assistance help promote strong and economically self-sufficient communities by determining eligibility for food, cash, and medical assistance for individuals and families in Florida.
I'm Looking For .Food Assistance Medicaid Assistance Temporary Cash Assistance Refugee Services Homelessness Public Benefits Integrity
The Food Assistance Program helps people with low-income buy healthy food.
Medicaid provides medical coverage to low-income individuals and families.
The TCA program provides cash assistance to families with children under the age of 18 or under age 19 if full time secondary (high school) school students, that meet the technical, income, and asset requirements. Pregnant women may also receive TCA, either in the third trimester of pregnancy if unable to work, or in the 9th month of pregnancy.
The Department of Children and Families’ Refugee Services Program is federally funded by the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) within the Department of Health and Human Services to assist refugees to achieve economic self-sufficiency and social adjustment within the shortest possible time after their arrival in the United States.
The Office on Homelessness (Office) serves as a single point of contact in state government for agencies, organizations, and stakeholders that serve the homeless population. The Office oversees policy and funding toward ending homelessness and serving persons experiencing homelessness and recognizes and designates local Continuum of Care (CoC) entities to serve as lead agencies for the homeless assistance system throughout Florida.
The Office of Public Benefits Integrity is responsible for investigating public assistance fraud or misuse regarding the SNAP (Food Assistance), TANF (Cash Assistance), and Medicaid programs by individuals. We are dedicated to preventing, detecting, and recovering waste, fraud and abuse within the public assistance programs.
The Department of Children and Families, Economic Self Sufficiency Program has several programs that can help Florida families. They include, Food Assistance, Temporary Cash Assistance, Medicaid and Refugee Assistance.
Each of these programs has its own eligibility rules. Florida uses one application for all assistance programs.
The Office of Economic Self Sufficiency (ESS) self service portal allows customers to connect with their public assistance information 24/7.
The Food Assistance Program helps individuals and families purchase nutritional foods needed to maintain and promote good health. The Temporary Cash Assistance program provides financial assistance to pregnant women in their third trimester and families with dependent children to assist in the payment of rent, utilities and other household expenses. The Medicaid Program provides medical assistance to individuals and families to cover or assist in the cost of services that are medically necessary.
By meeting SNAP eligibility, you are also qualified for other benefits, including:
(Some programs may have waiting lists, prioritized service availability or additional requirements)
Florida uses Broad Based Categorical Eligibility to determine eligibility for SNAP.